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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Do'a, Reading Al-Qur'an, Shadaqoh & Tahlil for Dead People

What do'a, reading Al-Qur'an, tahlil and shadaqoh akan until the reward to the dead? In this case there is a multitude of do'a said, reading Al-Qur'an, tahlil and shadaqoh no reward to the dead with the reasons, as follows:
وأن ليس للإ نسان إلاما سعى
"And unless someone is not for what he was doing. (QS An-Najm 53: 39)
The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad saw:

اد امات ابن ادم انقطع عمله الا من ثلاث صدقة جارية اوعلم ينتفع به اوولدصالح يدعوله

"Is the child of Adam dies, all putuslah charitable deeds except three things; shadaqoh jariyah, science, the benefits, and children sholeh prayer that he is."
They seem, only the letterlezk (harfiyah) to understand the second proposition above, without connecting with another theorem-proof. So the conclusion that they take, prayer, reading Al-Qur'an, shadaqoh and tahlil not useful for the dead. Understanding that conflict with many verses and hadith Rasulullah SAW few of them:
والذين جاؤوامن بعدهم يقولون ربنااغفرلناولإ خونناالذين سبقونابالإ يمان
"And those who come after them, said: Yaa our Lord, forgive us and forgive our brothers who have preceded us to believe." (QS Al-Hasyr 59: 10)
In this case the relationship with the Mu'min Mu'min does not drop out of the World until Akherat.
واستغفرلذنبك وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات
"And you ask for forgiveness (O Muhammad) for the sins and the sins of men and women Mu'min." (Muhammad QS 47: 19)
سأل رجل النبى صل الله عليه وسلم فقال يارسول الله ان امى ماتت افينفعها ان تصد قت عنها? قال نعم
"Ask a man to the Prophet SAW, O Messenger of Allah indeed my mother died, is useful for me, if saua meal for? He said; yaa useful for your mother. "(HR Abu David).
And still there are proof-proof that the strengthening of the dead still get manfa'at do'a acts of others. Verse 39 to Surat An-Najm above purpose can also be taken, that in general the right to be what someone is doing it, so that someone does not lean to the act, but it does not mean that the deed to someone else.
Tafsir in the Ath-9 binding section of the Koran Thobari explained that paragraph 27 is revealed when Walid Ibn Mughirah embraced Islam insulted by the idolaters, and the idolaters said earlier; "If you go back to our religion and give the money to us, we who bear the punishment in the akherat ".
Allah SWT down the paragraph above that showed that someone can not bear the sins of others, for what someone has done, not the means to work for someone else, such as do'a to the dead and others.
Tafsir in the Ath-Thobari also described, some of Ibn Abbas, that paragraph was in-mansukh legal or replaced:
عن ابنى عباس: قوله تعالى وان ليس للا ءنسن الا ماسعى فانزل الله بعدهدا: والذين أمنواواتبعتهم ذريتهم باءيمن الحقنابهم ذريتهم فادخل الله الا بناء بصلا ح الا باءالجنة
"From friends in Ibn Abbas says Allah SWT is not for someone except what has been done, and then Allah sends down At-paragraph letter Thuur; 21. "And those who believe, and that their offspring follow them in faith, we find their children and grandchildren with them, the children of God to enter heaven because of the good parent."
Syaekhul Islam Al-Imam Ibn Taimiyah in the Majmu 'Fatawa volume 24, said: "People say that do'a not to the dead and good deeds, not the reward to the dead," they bid'ah experts, because the scholars' have agreed that mayyit benefit from do'a and charity Shaleh people live.
KH Nuril Huda
Chairman of the Institute Dakwah Nahdlatul Ulama (LDNU)

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